
•興津メランジェ,土佐佐賀(泥火山),足摺岬(15Ma花崗岩),竜串(中新世 三崎層群)

•3月8日 高知中部(香川泊)

•中土佐 太平洋セメント,大歩危(三波川),徳島 中央構造線

•3月9日 四国東部(香川泊)


•3月10日 小豆島


•小豆島発 15:45ー高松 16:50  マリンライナー 17:10


March 7th (Western Kochi area)

Okitsu melange (興津メランジェ):Cretaceous-Eocene) accretionary complex (in Poster picture)

Pillow basalt within mudstone matrix.

Tosa Saga (土佐佐賀):Eocene mud diapir in turbidite sequence.

Sandstone block in mudstone matrix(length 10m)by drone

Cape Ashizuri (足摺岬) 15 Ma Granite (Japan Geopark)

Cape Ashizuri Southern tip of Shikoku Island. Granite was highly deformed.

Tatsukushi (竜串) Miocene shallow marine sedimentary sequence. See well preserved hummocky cross stratification、HCS.

Tatsukushi (竜串)Japan Geopark site.

March 8th (Transect of Shikoku Island)

Tosayamada, Pacific limestone mine.

Open pit limestone mine (Permian Limestone in Chichibu belt)

Ooboke, Sambagawa belt along Yoshinogawa river in Tokushima.

Ooboke metamorophic rock in Sambagawa belt

Median Textonic Line (MTL) along Yoshinogawa River in Tokushima

Location of MTL along Yoshinogawa River in Tokushima

March 9 (East Shikoku area, East Kagawa-Naruto area in Tokushima)

lamprophyre in Shirotori (Kaburakoshi:鹿浦越)

Izumi Group (Cretaceous strike-slip basin at fore arc area along the MTL)

Hiketa Izumi Group unconformity on the Cretaceous Granite
Izumi Group (Turbidite sequence) at Naruto area in Tokushima

Naruto Whirlpools (鳴門渦潮)

Naruto Whirlpools and big bridge between Shikoku to Awajishima which is biggest Island in Japan. Whirlpools are very famous Naruto whirlpools are famous in Japan. Naruto is a name that appears in manga, and the name is also used for the whirlpool-shaped kamaboko. Huge eddies can be seen due to the difference in ebb and flow between the Pacific Ocean and the Seto Inland Sea. We go to see the whirlpools on a sightseeing boat. The surrounding strata belong to the Izumi Group, and fossils such as late Cretaceous ammonites are found.

March 10 (Shodoshima Island 小豆島)

Location of Shodoshima island. Osaka is right side. Awaji Island also show eastern side big island in the Setonaikai sea.
Geologic map of Shodoshima Island (HIll top is High Magnesian Andesite at 13Ma which age indicate after opening Sea of Japan)
Giant cliff of Cretaceous Ryoke Granite. This Granite used for
Big granite wall in Osaka castle which formed around 1600 AD.

Kankakei (寒霞渓) volcaniclastic sequence and lava flow at top.

Kankakei mountain (612m). We use ropeway at 5 min


see HP : showing video of view.

Break at Soy sauce factory (Marukin Shoyu Co.)

Marukin Syosu (Traditional Soy sauce factory. We go to museum and get small soy bottle. You can eat soy soft cream too.)

Leave Shodoshima Island at 15:45

Arrive Takamatsu port (just front of JR Takamatsu station) at 16:45

(You can get on JR Marine liner to go Okayama station: 17:10, 17:40, 17:47, 18:10.)

You can go back Tokyo by Shinkansen from Okayama station.

(Night bus to go Tokyo: Takamatsu 21:05-07:11 arrive Tokyo station)

(Night bus to go Fukuoka: Takamatsu 21:30 -07:26 arrive Hakata station)